Friday, 3 June 2016

The Prisoner of Genda - Part 5 The Messenger

This story is a submission for an anthology based on the world of the novel Star's Reach by John Michael Greer. The novel is set in a de-industrial future United States known as Meriga. For more information see:

The story is set in a town in Genda (Canada), somewhere in eastern Ontario near Quebec. The time frame is approx. 25th century. Weather patterns have settled after the long drought and it is a period of ‘peace and prosperity’ including trade with Rosh (Russia) across the northern ocean protected by the Genda navy and the southern neighbours Meriga and Meyco.

I have included a glossary of new words below the story.

Read The Prisoner of Genda - Part 1 The Prisoner, here.
Read The Prisoner of Genda - Part 2 The Widow, here.
Read The Prisoner of Genda - Part 3 The Gardener, here.
Read The Prisoner of Genda - Part 4 The Builder, here.

 Old letter (Photo: via

Part 5
The Messenger

Tarshay darra Deros knocked on the jailhouse door. “Come in,” said the jailer, not bothering to get up. She entered and nodded to him. “Dinner for hizonna.”

“Very funny,” he muttered and continued to scowl at the radio in front of him on the table as he twiddled the dials with his stubby fingers. Behind him a dishevelled bed stood against the far wall under a small curtained window. She transferred a heaped plate of meat and vegetables and a large mug of beer from her tray to the table.

“And the prisoner? Vegetable soup tonight.”

“Too good for the likes of him.” The jailer jerked his head toward the corridor, “Cell two.”

She walked slowly down the corridor, peeked in the window at the man lying on the bench, then placed the bowl on the floor and knelt to unbolt the food hatch. The prisoner jerked awake at the sound. She slid the food inside and closed the hatch. The prisoner leapt up and stood by the door.

“Thank you sister,” he said loudly. Then he whispered. “Stay a moment. I have a message for Garint sunna Jardin.”

She shrunk back from the door, eyes wide, whites glowing in the gloom.

“Lock the bolt. I mean you no harm. I want you to deliver a message, that’s all.” He took a half step back. “Please, I beg you this one favour.”

She crouched down and bolted the food hatch, then stood up by the small barred window. “What is your message?” she whispered, glancing down the corridor to where the jailer’s radio warbled, accompanied by the discordant clang of his fork on the plate.

“I will ask Garint sunna Jardin to come here tomorrow to discuss amends. Ask him to bring some things for me when he comes. It is very important.”

She shrunk back again. “You mean to escape.”

“No. You know Garint would not help anyone do such a thing.”

She hesitated for a moment then nodded and swept a lock of brown hair from her eyes with a slender hand. “What things?”

He whispered his message quickly through the bars, then she departed.

Marin’s stomach rumbled. He picked up the bowl and slab of bread, murmured a blessing on Mam Gaia and devoured the meal like a starving man who had suddenly been admitted to a feast.


Rouss sat on her bed. Her chest heaved beneath her black blouse and sobs erupted from her throat. Each time her eyes dried she picked up the letter and read it again, until the tears flowed once more. Finally she felt able to get up and make herself a late supper. When she read the letter again afterwards she found her eyes could at last stay dry. Leymo sunna Seena had died at sea as she had been told. Marin had found a sailor at an outpost in Greenlun who was on the ship with him when it went down.

And now Marin was finally back but for some reason couldn’t come in person. What could have kept him? Rouss emptied out her mug of cold tea. Outside the window the bulging curve of the moon hung suspended like a beacon over the north side of town. She held the letter tight to her chest and whispered. “A blessing on your dreams Marin sunna Elevar.”

A wave of relief swept over her and brought new tears to her eyes. It was followed by a chill wind of shame. She had loved Leymo and hoped day after day for his return for three years. Why then did it feel like she had been released from a huge burden?


Read The Prisoner of Genda - Part 6 The Jailer, here

Stars Reach words used
New words coined for this story (in rough order of use)
daughter of  (e.g Rouss darra Sage)
exclamation derived from Sacrament – Quebec French meaning “God Dammit”
Religion based on worship of Gaia (Mother Earth)
Her honour (official title)
Mam Gaia
Earth (seen as a goddess)
maypa sirp
maple syrup
Leader of Genda
Alderman/Alderwoman of the town council
the former United States
His honour (official title
Christmas (from the French Noel)
Old Believers
Chinese silk, obtained via trade with Rosh
son of  (e.g. Garint sunna Jardin)

Constructive comments welcome :-) 

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