Friday 24 July 2015

End of the Party (Part 1)

When a student gets cancer his gay room mate organises a 'Get well soon' party and tries to find him girlfriend.

  Nina Hagen "Nina Hagen" Album 1989

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated to improve this story. Thanks!

End of the Party

Part 1

Chase elbowed Ryan. “God! Look at those two.” He shouted over the thumping music. “They sure know how to put the ‘public’ into public displays of affection.”

Ryan looked over the couch in the corner of the room. Two men with neatly trimmed beards sat kissing, only just restraining their hands from making things even more public. “Leave them alone. They’re in love.”

Chase turned to Ryan with a slight scowl. “What about you then? How about we find you a girlfriend tonight or at least a…?”

“I don’t think so. Not good timing.”

“Come on. This party is for you to forget about the cancer and have some fun before your treatment starts. Don’t waste your chance.” He waved around the room. “I invited lots of nice ladies for you. We’ve been classmates for six months and you haven’t had a girlfriend man. Playing the shy boy won’t cut it. You need to get in the game.”

Ryan’s face turned pink. “What about you?”

“I’m waiting for them to break up.” He nodded at the two in the corner again. “I’ve been keen on Michael for ages.” The disco ball mounted on a book shelf scattered colours over them then spun it away again.

Ryan shook his head. “So that’s why you keep staring. Don’t hold your breath.” He frowned. “This music is giving me headache. Who is it anyway?”

Chase ducked under a bunch of balloons and walked to the turntable and picked up a record sleeve and returned. “It’s an East German punk chick. Nina Hagen.”


“It’s great man, enjoy it. Pop music kills brain cells faster than weed.”

“You’d know.”

“Whoa dude, mellow out.” Chase said in an exaggerated stoner voice.

“Not everyone is an ‘80s vinyl freak like you.”

Chase shrugged and leaned over. “They should be." He nodded in the direction of woman standing against the far wall. "How about I introduce you to Sarah. Look at that split in her skirt. She came out tonight with more than just pizza and awesome music in mind. Come on.”

He grabbed Ryan by the arm and dragged him through the crowd in the middle of the lounge. “Hi Sarah, this is Ryan.”

She smiled brightly and extended her hand. “Nice to meet you.” Her eyes flicked up the banner strung across one wall. “Get well soon!” A cloud crossed her face briefly, then the smile returned. “Um, sorry to hear about the ...”

Ryan blushed and struggled to find something to say. “Ahh…thanks. What do you study?”

“Chemistry. You?”

Another woman came up and took her hand. “Hi Ryan. Sorry, I need Sarah for a minute.”

“Hi Alyssa…” Ryan mumbled to her departing back.

Chase shook his head. “Why change the subject so fast? You gotta milk it a bit. Next time tell her bout the 30% chance you might not make it.”

Ryan clenched his fists. “Chase, stop being an a-hole.” he hissed and pushed his way to the kitchen.

Chase shouted over the music after him. “Sorry man. I didn’t mean it like that. You know I’m on your side...”

In the kitchen , several people stood around chatting with drinks in hand. One of them opened the oven a crack and peered in. “Food's almost ready.” he said. “How you feeling?”

“Ok.” Ryan waved his half empty beer bottle vaguely at the doorway. “Thanks Dylan, for helping organise all this.”

“Anytime. Where’s Chase?”

“He’s busy trying to get me to hook up with someone, anyone.” Ryan shrugged. “I don’t really feel in the mood. Plus he’s being a jerk about it all.”

Dylan nodded slowly. “It’s ok to let someone love you, you know. Even now.” He paused. “Maybe especially now. If it’s the right person.” He turned back to the oven and turned the dial to off. “Let’s get the food out. It might dilute some of the beer he’s been chugging.”


They carried the food to a table pushed against one wall. Chase turned down the music. “Ladies and gentlemen. Before you fill your faces at the trough let’s have a few words from the guest of honour!”

Ryan glared at him.

“Come on Ryan.” He motioned him over. “Speech! Speech!”

Several people laughed and anonymous hands pushed him forward. He turned and faced the crowd. “Ahh…” He looked down and shuffled his feet. He lifted his head and took a deep breath. “Umm. Thanks for coming everyone. I appreciate the support. This is the end of my partying for a little while so ahh…thanks and have fun.” He lifted his bottle of beer. “Cheers.”

“Cheers.” echoed the group.

Chase stood beside him. “Ok. Now let me say all the things he left out.”

“No Chase. Enough.” Ryan whispered under his breath.

“As most of you know, Ryan was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago and now is about to undergo chemo therapy. It’s a hell of a way to end your first year at university but I reckon he’s got the balls for it.”

A few laughs erupted around the room. Some people looked away embarrassed. Ryan stared at the floor.

“The doctors have said he has a 70% chance of success so I want everyone to wish him all the best as he goes through this very difficult time.”

Ragged applause broke out. Chase whispered in his ear. “Now that’s how you milk the sympathy.”

“Get lost.” Some of the crowd looked down embarrassed as Ryan slunk away through the crowd.

Chase followed. “I’m just trying to help. That stuff works with the ladies, man. All my straight friends tell me.”

“You don’t know me half as well as you think.”

“Hey, I’m just kidding. Lighten up.”

Ryan shook his head and headed back toward the kitchen.

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated to improve this story. Thanks!

Read End of the Party (Part 2) here.

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